A blog is a really important part of your site that shouldn't be neglected. Keep the website fresh by updating your blog regularly, it provides signals to search engines that your site is a living digital organism that is breathing and hasn't died. The spider will come back more often to your site to check for updates and this is a great signal for SEO and quickly indexing pages. Drive new traffic and think of every blog post you make as a new door opening to your store that visitors can use to view your online shop. Instead of writing just about your products, instead you can write about interests and hobbies that are related to your products, update industry news and spout your opinions. The blog is a human mouth that speaks the word the rest of your site is unable to do and in the process, attracts new visitors who otherwise may have never found your site.
According to this infographic, 57% of companies have acquired customers from their blog.
Need help in setting up your blog? Click here and check out our SEO and Content Services.
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