eParcel export for CS-Cart
Do you use eParcel as one of your shipping options? We just made it a hell of a lot easier for you with our eParcel export for CS-Cart!
Now you can export all your paid orders into a eParcel Consignement File (csv) file correctly formatted so it can easily be imported into the eParcel online panel.
If you process many orders a day these will be a great time saver and pay for itself within the first month's.
Settings Include:
- Consignment Type:
- Australia Post Account Number:
- Contract Charge Code:
- Is a Signature Required?:
- Return Name:
- Return Address:
- Return Suburb:
- Return State:
- Return Postcode:
- Return Country Code:
- Consignee Email Address required?:
- Default Article Cubic Weight:
- Order Status:
Please note Australia Post eParce does not have a API so we are limited how well we can integrate these.
The export feature may still require you to make some changes to the CSV file before uploading it to Australia Post.
At present the addon will create a single shippment for each product.
On customer request we now implemented the option to create one shippment per product or one shippment per order.
Any changes to the CSV file can only be done with a dedicated CSV editor and NOT with Microsoft Exel.
Please understand this is a complex add-on which has taken many hundreds of hours of development work to program.
To protect our code parts of the add-on are encrypted with the IonCube encoder which is pre-installed on most UNIX web servers. Please ensure you have the latest version on your web server.
Our Add-on's are installed on dozens of different web sites with different CS-Carts versions however there are many variables depending on your cart version, hosting set up like PHP, MYSQL and IonCube/ZendGuard version.
If you don't have a stock standard CS Cart, have modified code or have 3rd part addons installed we can NOT gurantee that our add-on works without changes which we are happy to make at our standard hourly rate.
Please note! If you have multiple stores under different domains but one backend! CS Cart does unfortunately not allow to install addons only for one store hence you will need to purchase a licence for each store if you fail to do so the addon will throw up errors!
We strongly recommend to use our professional installation service as our development team can easily identify any issues with your hosting setup and in most cases install the add-on without any further changes from you or your hosting provider.
99% of installation issues are caused either by the customer or by out-dated software like IonCube.
If you decide not to choose our installation service but then require support for your installation please be aware that we will charge AU$65 per support hour for ANY installations support. If your installation problems are caused by any issue in our code we will refund the support fee.
We will immediately stop to provide any support for people who lack common courtesy and we will not tolerate abusive or disrespectful emails.
Please do not order if you do not agree to the above!
Please note!! non of our products is available via instant download. Each order will undergo a series
of fraud checks and it will take around 2 business days before we deliver the licensed package.
Thank you for your patience.
E-Parcel export for CS cart
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